Repositioning Kleenguard as the PPE brand in the portfolio commanded a visual design overhaul. Once established, the brand was amplified in product, environment & package design.

Kleenguard Archetype Board.jpg

Archetype development

Globally, the safety category is a multi-billion dollar business. It is highly saturated and fragmented. Kleenguard was being repositioned to capitalize on market insights and purposefully differentiate from competition.

In a sales driven organization, I used the archetype profiles to carve out an ownable personality for the brand and drive buy-in from multi-functional counterparts. Later, we translated it into a manifesto that became the “rally cry” that energized the internal team for the brand launch.

After rounds of iteration, triangulating macro trends, the competitive landscape and customer insights, the Hero archetype became the catalyst for the visual identity work to follow.

After the brand archetype was aligned, the marketing team led the charge on developing the brand foundational tools. From that work emerged the brand promise: Perform with distinction. It represented the intersection of comfort and protection - both of which are non-negotiables in the personal safety industry - and distinction which was our way of layering in the human element. Workers want to retain their identity despite wearing gear given to them by their employer. They want to feel empowered and uninhibited to perform each day.

I led the visual identity strategy that initiated a complete redesign of the branding. We took cues from the military and comic superheroes to craft a multi-faceted look & feel that was relevant globally and could flex across platforms.

Once aligned, the visual identity was executed in packaging, environment, digital experience and product.  It has been held up as an example, company-wide, of best-in-class brand building and execution.

Brand identity executions



I synthesized trend reports to inform the next innovation in the product portfolio - Wayfarer style safety glasses. I consulted on the product development, color selection and branding decisions. This product launched and won “Best in Show” at the annual safety conference.



At The National Safety Council trade show, the business launched the brand externally. It was the first opportunity to translate the brand identity into environment design. I ideated early on with the local team and consulted through execution.



A total overhaul of the global packaging materials accompanied the brand launch. I developed a strategy that leveraged an ownable illustration style that communicated format and product benefits. This reduced complexity and ensured easy implementation.

Product videos

Educational materials were created to complement the launch of the brand. Among those materials were several product videos that highlighted the features and benefits across the PPE portfolio.

I art directed these videos as it was one of the first animated executions of the brand.

The kit of parts was shared regionally for partners to customize in their local language. They have enabled sales reps to have more comprehensive conversations with customers and have contributed to an overall better customer experience online with Kleenguard.